Wednesday, 6 April 2022


What an upgrade! LED headlights for the win, should have upgraded long ago. Now that I am upgrading I'm throwing on a mesh guard.. but I'm particular, I don't like the look of how they attach so I've cut off its brackets, given it a matt paint job and I'm glueing it to the light and housing with some black multi purpose sealant (which claims excellent adhesion).

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Before: GS500 Overlander Scrambler

Well this post is pretty much a test. I'm doing massive mods to my GS500 and want a place to put pics to share and maybe I'll dump my thoughts here too.

What motivates me.. Answered.

Electrical work meant to fit one way, being heavily modified and made to fit another, with millimeter clearances means = frustration with te...